Project Psyche

Lepidopteran genomes for Europe

Genome curation

Most Lepidoptera genomes assemble well with PacBio HiFi and Hi-C data using automated assembly pipelines. However, there are always some errors that require manual curation and sex chromosomes need to be identified and all chromosomes named. The genome curation team at the Tree of Life Programme (ToL) of the Wellcome Sanger Institute has developed PretextView to perform manual genome curation using Hi-C maps, coverage information, and Merian element painting developed by Charlotte Wright. The ToL team curates the Psyche genomes together with a group of early-career scientists who have been trained by the ToL curators and are actively contributing to the curation of Psyche genomes. They are listed below.

Sanger-accredited genome curators

Zsófia Fekete University of Eastern Finland
Bulah Chia-hsiang Wu Biology Centre CAS, Czechia
Loukia Spilani Instituto de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Michal Rindos Biology Centre CAS, Czechia
Valéria Marques Institute of Evolutionary Biology; Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Josep Lancho Silva Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE), Barcelona, Spain
Eric Toro Delgado Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE), Barcelona, Spain
Mattia Menchetti Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), Spain
Dominik Schmitz Student at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Laura Torrado Blanco Universidade da Coruña, Spain
María Luisa Martínez Martínez Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Franz Chandi Ikiam University, Ecuador
Laure Inçaby Nord University, Norway